|| fall highlights ||
here are some highlights from the travels i got to do this fall, it was very different from what i originally thought i would do in the fall but through the lord's leading i was never disappointed.
it was a busy and full time but i was able to see the hand of the lord each step of the way. the providence of the lord is a wondrous thing.
proverbs 3.5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
In all your ways acknowledge him,
sista pear and niece brother bear
three princesses vancouver..enough said
selfies with the niece brother bear getting a facial in the park
spending time with the
vonderful goot vanderflier family
visit to some awakeners at the kings lodge, england
glendalough, ireland
powerscourt, ireland
st. charles bridge, prague, czech republic
blast from the past, hanging out in beijing with matt,
a kid i used to babysit
sickest thing i have ever been a part of..
china, with my chinese friends birthday dinner
a long awaited dream of visiting prague finally came true!
reunions are the best! the palace cathedral
contemplating on the goodness of the Father
another dream fulfilled, switzerland
family time with cousins in italy
view from my cousins chalet!
ski jump for 2006 olympics
angelo LOVES maggie!
mamma olga
quality time :)
Lovely Lori!! So special for me and Nan to see Angelo, Phillipe and Olga - and my kids too :D Peace & Love, Mo <>< xoxoxo