the concept of life...
What an interesting concept it is to live. To live means to exist, it is a condition of a living thing and the opposite of death.
Life is something we don't get a choice in:: We don't choose to be born, what family we will have, what nation we will be born in to, what skin colour we will have, what our personality will be like, we don't get to choose what circumstances will define us or change the course of our lives or what the outcome of our life will ultimately be or how our lives will end.
However, we DO have an obligation once our life commences, to LIVE, and to live to the fullest! This is something that for some comes second nature but for others it is a struggle each day. The past few weeks I have realised more and more just how unpredictable life really is. I have found myself continuously going back to Proverbs 19.21, and being humbled by the reality of this scripture as each week seems so drastically different from the week before, not at all anything that I could conjure up on my own - resulting in keeping my life from being anything but dull.
More and more I realise that living and living to the fullest comes from an overflow of a relationship with Jesus. He is the one who created us so strategically to be the people we are today and the person He is shaping us to become. I have been learning that God is the one who moves the puzzle pieces in to place in my life and that we just need to say YES and AMEN to all that He is doing. It is in those moments of obedience that God will breathe life into us giving us the driving force to carry on.
Life is a gift, one we should cherish, enjoy, and live to the fullest. My Grammie passed away this week and I have been reminded that as many decades as our lives can sometimes be, it is still short compared to the eternity that we will one day walk in to and I don't want to waste the short time that I have here on earth by failing to really live.
So here is to another year:: One of greatness, of love, of joy and laughter. One where I will make a lasting impact and impression each place I go and most excitedly one with a copious amount of traveling!!!
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My beautiful Grandmother (Grammie), Hazel Roddam 1923-2012