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anticipation |antɪsɪˈpeɪʃ(ə)n|
the act of looking forward; especially : pleasurable expectation
you are always seeing this sign::

I have been realising more and more lately that this is how I have been living my life; especially in this past year, almost with an attitude of "this too shall pass".
Last year was one of the most intense and life-changing years of my life. I moved away from a life I love, two places that captured my heart and people & relationships that I cherish deeply.
I knew that in moving to Seattle I was doing exactly what I needed to do (and have been ABUNDANTLY blessed by it) as well as knowing I would be living where God wanted me most, and by the grace of God have not regretted it - not even when I had to endure the freezing cold rain day after day this winter :) I knew when I came that my moving home to the NW was a stepping stone (as well as a time to really invest in deepening relationships with my fam) in something greater that God was wanting to do in my life and now I just need to wait...hence the anticipation.
Throughout these past few months I have really seen how hard it can be to wait. Not only to wait but gain a better understanding of what it means to wait and know that God is God! Learning to trust that God has a plan and a purpose even when I can't see it.
One thing that has made waiting easier has been looking to the spring and all that it is bringing with it.
AND now - I can hardly believe it - it is SPRING!! Winter has come and gone, the sunshine has begun peaking through the dreary clouds, the air is warming up, the daffodils are in bloom and the little red-breasted robins are flitting through the city streets! Best of all I am finally starting to thaw out from this long, cold winter!
The reason I have been so anticipating the spring is because I have so much going on. The first bit of excitement in my long string of events that I have been looking to is that I have the privilege to be a part of YWAM Orlando's second Bible Core Course. I am preparing to leave in a few days to go and be with my other family. There I will have the privilege of teaching 6 incredibly hungry students the Word of God and then coming home to continue assisting them walk as they walk through the process of studying through 10 more books of the bible.
As exciting as this is I had a revelation this past week, that soon after I go TO Orlando, I will then be coming back and then what?! All of the energies I have put into looking forward to my time there will have diminished -
Hence thinking about how our lives look when we are focused at looking to the future or anticipating "the next big thing". Something that for years I have worked towards is being content in each place, season and moment of my life - some of the best advice I ever received was to:: Be Content. I desire to be content while living each moment to the fullest, knowing it won't last forever.
My desire is to one day look back on my life with utmost confidence knowing that I lived each season and moment of my life to its absolute fullest!
Thanks for the reminder Lor. God has been speaking to me about the same thing. It is always easier to see the bigger picture in someone else's life. And then there is the thinking "this too shall pass" when really "this is it" - for now at least. It can be confusing trying to sort out what stage you are in at any given time. It's a good thing God is patient and able to correct our thinking - sometimes by listening to your own daughter :D Love you!!
ReplyDelete-Mom <><
Thanks Mo! It is so true!! The part about listening to your own daughter :)))) love you!!