what were humans meant to be???

have you ever stopped to think about Jesus as a man? I know that we “know” that Jesus was a man...BUT have you ever really stopped to think about what that actually means??

Last week in the Discipleship Training School I am working with, in Kona, HI, we had the privilege of taking a week just to focus on the life of Jesus here on earth and to imagine what his life might have looked like.
One thing We would do is read through one story at a time and put ourselves in Jesus’ shoes...what was He thinking? What was He feeling? What was the look in His eyes? We tried to imagine what his friends were thinking and feeling, what about when the disciples would see Him turn water in to wine, or heal the blind man on the Sabbath day? They would have been thinking:: This was a MAN! What kind of a man can make dirt (and on the Sabbath day no less) and put it on a man’s blind eyes to make him see? Or who goes to a party and when all the wine has run out just grabs some water and make some more? Really...Can you even imagine doing these things???!! I dream of doing these things!

Through this teaching, I had a great revelation:: the disciples would have struggled to understand that Jesus was FULLY God! Then
there is ME...of course Jesus is God...how do they not believe Jesus is God, the Son of God?? But to really grasp the concept that Jesus was FULLY MAN...that seems too much for me. For a man to have walked on this earth, who walked on water, rose people from the dead, lived a sinless life and to give himself for me – all of these things still as a man...seems to unreal!

Through these slight mind/heart shift changes I have a renewed understanding for what God said to Adam & to Noah when He gave them dominion over the earth...Jesus was only doing what He knew He had the authority to do. TAKE DOMINION...

dominion |dəˈmɪnjən|
1 sovereignty; control : man's attempt to establish dominion over nature.

This thought leads me to the question that was asked so many times of us last week...what were Humans meant to be??? What were humans meant to be???

If Jesus came fully man to this earth and saw people healed, delivered, raised from the dead, set free...what does that mean for us? A people whom He said would go on to do greater and better than He??

We were created in the image of the most High God! The breath of the living God was breathed in to mankind...when Jesus was with His disciples He breathed on them, signifying the Spirit of God. The holy Spirit makes us a new creation...this...
Brings us a new way of being human!

How will we let this truth change us? Change our view of Jesus? Change how we live our lives? What were humans meant to be??? Let us work together to be a people who join with God to bring His creation back to His original design for us.

1 comment:

  1. This is too funny. My church just did a whole series on how we were made to dominate. Thanks Lori!!! I hope your doing good. :)
