Pioneer Square

I have had the privilege as of late to live in Seattle, WA and work at Starbucks in Pioneer Square. It is quite the place...I am not sure I had ever really been through Pioneer Square before my interview and then once I began work there. I can easily equate it to Pigeon Park and E. Hastings in Vancouver. Not really a place that I have frequented in my life.

When I started there my manager (encouraged and) shared with me how he sees his work as his ministry, a chance to be light in a dark place to each person who comes in. Let me tell you there are some serious opportunities for that in my work. The weather is changing and is becoming more rainy and cold so many of the homeless, addicts or mentally ill are coming in and staying for longer periods of time in our store.
The other morning I was helping some customers and a man asked to use our washroom, I kindly told him it was for customers only apparently he was a loose cannon and he proceeded to go off on me because I wouldn't allow him to use our contrast to the homeless and drug addicts that live in Pioneer Square there are many upper middle class families and couples that live there as well. A man who lives in the neighbourhood (with his family and 4 children) stood up for me and told the man off for his verbal out lash. It was quite the scene and all of this before 8 am!!
In the past 2 months I have seen some things that have really saddened me but I believe yesterday was high on the list. A man came in, cold, dirty, long beard with food in it, high on something but very friendly and talkative anyone could see that he was not at all seeming to be "with it". When the man left my manager asked me if I wanted to know who he was...sure of course..."he used to be the Vice-President of Motel 8". WHAT??! I was shocked! I couldn't believe that this man who was just a moment before standing in front of me was at one point a man of great wealth and influence. All I could ask was "what happened?" "Cocaine." I felt like a deflated balloon - now this is not so uncommon as I have many dream shatterers in my life but this was different - the situation seemed so helpless, I couldn't believe the effects of cocaine on this man's life. How does someone give up all that they have for something that is so empty and void?

I was deeply saddened by how this man lost his family, wife and children for the sake of cocaine which in turn resulted in him living on Seattle's streets. It was a harsh awakening moment to the reality of what I see each and every day I go to work and the kinds of people I get to serve. My hope is that while I am in Seattle and working at Starbucks that I can be a glimpse of Christ in their lives, one that would bring hope, joy, healing and restoration.