
I am really excited to share what God has been speaking to me lately. We are in a season where the Lord is wanting to awaken us and open our eyes to more of who He is and what He wants to do in our lives. The more I study the Word of God the more I realise that this awakening can only come from being grounded in His truths (the Bible)...but it can't stop there...God is not bound by the pages of His Word, this great God of the Universe is THE LIVING GOD! He is Immanuel...God WITH us! The God who will never leave us nor forsake us! Can I get an amen?!

God so wants to be real in our everyday lives, He wants more than just our 15-20 minute quiet times, He wants more than our Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. He wants ALL of us! He is calling His army to rise up and see His Kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven! I want to challenge you to pray the Lord's Prayer, make it real in your heart and life. This is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray, begin by thanking and praising God as our Father in Heaven the One who watches over us and sees all things, the One who is good, sovereign and just, pray for God's Kingdom to come here on earth as it is in Heaven.

I was last week in California with some friends and was reminded of our need as believers to live INTENTIONAL lives! We need to make the most of our time here on earth and being God's light to those around us.
Here is a short testimony of my time there:: While in California some friends of friends prayed for one of the friends I was there with (Michael). While they were praying one of the guys got a word of knowledge - "there was something wrong with Michael's leg" - as it turned out he had had problems his entire life with one leg being about 1/2 an inch shorter than the other. This has caused him pain and discomfort over the years. So what else do a bunch of zealous God-lovers do when they are together but pray?! So they prayed for Michael and saw his leg grow out the 1/2 inch it was lacking to be equal to the other! Praise God!! Michael was completely healed and this testimony of what God has done has been shared all over the world!!

I share this story to encourage you that we serve a God who is alive and living! He cares about the little details in our lives. He is a God who is not distant but is ever present and is still at work today. He wants us to tap in to the many blessings that He has in store for us!

Below is a song that has been one of encouragement for me and one that I can't seem to get enough of...enjoy!!