For the past few days I have been reflecting on an axiom that is a recurring thought from the book of Proverbs (found in the Bible). The proverb states that there are many plans in a man's heart & mind but it is only the Lord's plan/purpose/will that shall prevail/stand.
I have seen time and time again in this current season of my life how very true this axiom is. In my failed attempts to "just do something" with my life I continually am reminded that God is God and I am not.
However amidst all my attempting I would hardly say that I have just been sitting around twiddling my thumbs, I have lived anything but a dull life these past 12 months. In fact I would say I have had more life experience packed in to this past year than maybe any other I have lived thus far.
Something that I have been regularly reminded of is an off-hand comment/question a friend made to me a number of years back which has only proved to be very true for me, they said, "Lori can you even leave your home for 10 minutes without returning with a story?!" I can honestly say that it is hard to do...and yesterday was no exception.

It started out as just an ordinary day with me going to work downtown Seattle (okay so I was gone for a little bit longer than 10 minutes, but who's counting right :D). My shift at Starbucks started early and seemed to fly by as our customers seemed to come in through a revolving door. Near to the end of my shift one of our regular's came in. Now this customer - Janet - is one of my favourites :) she is HILARIOUS. A little BRI (background required information) for you...Janet is quite the outgoing, friendly and flamboyant woman, she is very warm natured and seemingly knows everyone in the square. She works as a Private Investigator and moonlights as an award-winning film director. She comes in to the P2 Starbucks for her usual doppio Conpaña a profuse amount...often multiple times a day and sometimes within minutes of her last visit. Through my interaction with her I have come to see Janet as one of the most grateful people I know ("oh thank you, thank you SO much...oh you're too kind...I'm sorry...oh thank you, thank you so much..." and repeat). She loves to share what is going on in her life and I LOVE to listen and ask her all about it.  It was just such a scenario that led me to hearing about her latest film..."oh it's my best one...I am so proud of this...some of your friends were in it..." "What Janet? I want to be in your film..." "Oh you do? Oh you are too kind, you want to be in my film, okay oh yes, that would be great...oh and maybe you could be in my other ones too..." AMAZING.

Next thing I know I am clocking out to go and meet Janet. As I walk toward the restaurant we are filming, I realise I am somewhat hesitant that I could be on my way to film what could potentially be my big break in to show biz OR that she may just have tricked me in to being a part of her private investigations to the goings on of the political leaders in the area...

I reflect on this adventure (and adventure it was, which paved the avenue for a plethora of new and hilarious stories as she greeted and included many of the locals in her latest film) and I am once again reminded of how we have so many plans day to day in our lives. I remembered that if I am open to it what can actually take place day to day is so much different than what I could ever conjure up on my own. (Because I can certainly tell you that I had no plan to be in a film later on yesterday afternoon, if I had only known I would have made sure I was having a better hair day).

Daily I am reminded of how I have my own way of living life and how time and time again the Lord will lovingly reroute the detours I take to bring me back to His better way. Through this and so many other events in the past few days I am constantly realising and being reminded of what a blessed life I live as I follow my Creator in to each new day that He gives me. I can trust that life will never be dull with Him at the reins. Looking forward to a new day and a new adventure tomorrow...