project thirty::

As I have been in Seattle I have tried to be as intentional as I can with those around me that I love and have the blessing of having in my life, knowing that my life and time here is so very short. This has been a year where I am continuously aware that we have no idea what will come tomorrow and to make the most of today while I can! 
As I am coming to the end of my 20s I realise how fortunate I have been to have been surrounded by incredible examples of godly men and women whom I can call f

amily and friend. As the last few weeks of my 20s is drawing to a close I have been thinking about how I want to end this eventful decade and triumphantly enter my 30s (30 is the new 20 so I figure if I don’t get it right this time I can try again in 10 years :D) Ideally I would love to have every person I love in the same room to celebrate...I realise that this is not a likely possibility - however not impossible :) so I have decided to rally all the people I love around the world to join me in something I am calling Project 30!
I initially saw this idea on a blog ( a while back and it immediately resonated with me. This lady (Robyn) for her 38th birthday got her kids and did 38 random acts of kindness (RAK) all over her hometown. People were so inspired that they also did RAK in honour of their friend.
In my realisation of all of the amazing people I have known through the years - I am speaking of you - I thought how great would it be if the people who have blessed ME so much could celebrate with me by doing a RAK since I can’t be with them to celebrate in person! The more I thought of this the more I thought great would it be to see at least 30 of my friends in 30 different nations (I am going on faith here that I know people in 30 nations) do something kind for someone else and to see the ripple effect. SO in order to do this I need YOUR help!

Now all that to say this started b/c I truly wish I could have you all over to my home to eat cake, drink coffee and spend quality time with you but it just isn’t realistic - my dream shattering friends have rubbed off on me :) - but what is realistic is that we can go out and do something kind for one another, not because of me but because that is what Jesus has called us to do. As a Christ follower I want my life to emanate his presence in all that I do and what better way than to tangibly share his love, will you please join with my in my birthday wish/project to see (at least) 30 people in 30 NATIONS go and do a random act of kindness in honour of our friendship and Christ in us. Once you have done this then please write to me post and tell me all about it!