laughter: it does the body good

Most people who know me even a little bit know that I love to laugh! I find joy in most things in life, often so much so that even when I am feeling (to quote Anne of Avonlea) "in the depths of despair" I usually can still find something that will make my soul sing ♫ and then overflow into laughter...

This weekend as I have been revisiting and studying through one of the minor prophets in the Holy Bible - said prophets both major & minor are a group of books which can be found in the Old Testament - was no exception of finding a deep joy that overflowed in to much laughter.

The prophet I have been studying (and charting for all you SBS'ers out there*) is the book of Malachi. I have rediscovered a LOVE for charting and the inductive method - which is great!! However as rich as it is I find myself going back to my old study patterns, amazing how they are so hard to kick even after years (that is a life lesson for another blog). These old study habits include but are not limited to taking "breaks". Now for many mature students breaks were legitimate... but for me the things that people were able to take breaks for - food, bathroom, water - turned in to rewards for me, b/c it was clear to everyone myself most of all that I could not handle such a break and in order for me to be able to leave my work for any sort of amount of time it needed to be a reward.
So not to disappoint when I picked up charting again this weekend I also resumed my old "taking breaks habit" along with it, a reward system has yet to be implemented. This resulted in about every 30 minutes or so to chat on skype, respond to a text message, go to the bathroom, eat some food, I can now add blogging but lastly and definitely not the least of all my distractions is that I would continually find myself on FACEBOOK! Funny how that happens! Often times depending on how long it had been since my last "break" there would be nothing new to see on facebook...but tonight was an exception, there was new material and it did NOT disappoint! So much so that I thought I should share it with you on my blog!

Allow me to introduce you an article that had me laughing so hard I got a headache...upon said headache settling in I realised I had gone full circle back to my SBS where I had once watched a video of a small child at a pool (posted below - please don't judge me) and laughed so hard that my head began to pound, but it was so worth it!!  


*(School of Biblical Studies which I took in Taiwan)

one more (disclaimer, some offensive language is "blocked" out at the beginning)...I am beginning to think that Germans don't always think through their choices first :)

these two videos are courtesy of my beautiful friend Charis...