// journeying:: mind to heart //

have you ever found yourself reflecting on your life and wondered how things could change so drastically and...so quickly??!! not even a week ago I sat asking my friend the question...”do things (circumstances) in our lives actually ever change? OR do we just change, thus seeming like our circumstances have changed?!”
that is a long-mulled over q in my life. I have always been and continue to be a FIRM believer in prayer, that it works and that it literally can move mountains...but sometimes that truth has difficulty traveling the 18-inches to my heart from my mind...can I get an amen?! seriously right?!! let's be real!!
these past 27 hours have been some of the craziest of my life! I have always been someone who has lived with crazy favour on their life as much as I have denied it over the years, I know walk in the truth, that it is true! I am favoured! I am a daughter of the King! I know that my heavenly Papa loves me and would literally do and give anything for me I mean he already did in Jesus! I know that He hasn’t stopped there but wants to give so very much more. Which leads us to where we are right now...my story of crazy breakthrough in my life, I don’t know how to shorten it, so I won't...I suggest grabbing a cuppa, sitting down, buckling up and enjoying the ride that is my life at the moment!

// I in NO WAY desire to plant seeds of doubt//jealousy//comparison BUT long for us to all walk in a spirit of thankfulness trusting in the character of our good Papa! //

this journey I am on really started years ago but for the sake of time & space we will travel back a week to my room, where I was asking my friend if things ever actually change? leading us to pray that I would see breakthrough in my life in areas of unbelief, specifically for my finances. This has been a LONG journey for myself and my family and I have often wondered if we would ever be free from our financial struggles?!
This day was one of exposing a lie, walking in honesty & then the opposite spirit of thankfulness, literally seeing my life changed  being finally set free from anxiety of financial worries.

// for those of you who don’t know, I have chosen to live a life that is completely dependent on the Lord for my source of income, so I live by not receiving a regular income but by trusting the Lord to provide through friends//family//churches each month //

it wasn’t all cake and candy this past week as I have fought to walk in the freedom I have attained! I had a dream come to me last Thursday where I would be able to accept an invitation to join some of my closest friends in Orlando for a woman’s conference. it was going to take a miracle to get me there, but I figured if it were the Lord He would surely do it!
for the sake of time I will spare you the det’s. BUT... I prayed, I rallied others to pray and than sat and waited to see what the Lord would do!
One week passed, leaving me a week to raise funds to go to the conference. I was blessed to be able to get a very inexpensive ticket but still needed the money to come in.
A great friend of mine in Orlando phoned me, leaving a message praying that the Lord would release the money I needed to come and more so that I could take them out for dinner and for coffee. 
Within a few hours, I arrived home to find an envelope waiting on my counter, a letter containing a cheque that almost covered my entire airfare! I couldn’t believe...I could GO, I had enough money!! I was in shock, again I knew God could do it...but wasn’t sure He would...again those 18 inches are the worst!
I spent a lot of my morning qt that morning repenting and praying out prayers of thankfulness and then dreaming with the Lord of all I could do when He released the thousands and millions to me, so to have even a little bit seemed incredible!
But back to that moment, I was amazed at what I was holding in my hands. I walked in to my room to spend time playing my guitar and worshipping Jesus and be thankful. During this time I was waiting for my VERY slow computer to load my email...it was then that I saw an email from my mom. An email that at first I couldn’t read b/c my computer would not load it all...after a few moments I realised that this was a letter letting me know of a very generous gift that was being given to me. I sat...in SHOCK! I walked out to my housemates, shared with them and we sat, amazed at the goodness of the Lord. I couldn’t believe that the Lord really had heard my cry and saw my need for a new computer, for transportation etc. Things that He had spoken to me years ago I actually began to have faith that they would come to be.
I woke up this morning still slightly in shock to only have more of an outpouring of favour and blessing from the Father! It was crazy! The only thing I could do was head to the beach to attempt to process all that was my life from the past 20...yes TWENTY hours!!

Not long after I sat on the beach I asked the Lord...”what next...what else are you going to do, can it EVEN GET any better??!!!” my asking this was not out of a place of ungratefulness but out of sheer amazement and knowledge that He literally could do whatever He wanted!! Moments later a family came walking on to a beach and a man (Willard) approached me asking how I was?! We talked for a few moments before realising he was in deep pain from a knee injury. I immediately asked if I could pray for him...”yes” was his immediate reply. So I prayed... a simple prayer. “how is your knee?” I ask when I had finished. “It is better” he replies.
“okay...how much better?”
“it feels great...”
“oh...okay...well do you know Jesus? What do you know about him” I ask. We talked for a few moments about how much Jesus loves him before he asked me how he could see me again, he was desperate to take my picture, he wanted to send to his mother a picture of the woman who made it possible for her to not have to travel from Micronesia to come help her injured son.
“I need a picture and am going to write down your name on this rock because, I never want to forget how the spirit of Jesus healed me...b/c I am COMPLETELY HEALED!!!”


again there I was, literally in wonder of my God. Willard walked away healed and smiling. As I watched him walk limp-free away, I couldn’t help but think...”of course it can get better!!” THAT is the GOODNESS of our God, He ALWAYS outdoes Himself!!
I sat down once again and as I watched the waves splashing on to the rocks in front of me, trying to sift through all that was swirling around me and the Lord spoke and so clearly...”this is your inheritance, you are walking in to your inheritance, your physical and your spiritual inheritance!”

I still haven’t really been able to grasp all that has gone on in my life in these past 27 hours but seem to finally have the answer to the question I have been asking the Lord for years...”yes things really can change, just like that, in a moment, lives can be eternally changed!”

amidst all these ups and downs, my more good than bad days, my far too common battles to travel those 18 inches to impact my heart, I know I wouldn’t change a thing nor the journey Jesus has me on.

Thank you Papa, thank you for your kindness toward me, your blessing, your commitment to me! Would you continue to let your love & favour be manifested in my life and pour over in to the lives of each person who has been blessed by this beautiful picture of who you are!!

// the song of my heart //